
Angkor Wat ruins / SG
Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, 2013

While working for National Geographic, one of the projects which I worked on was an Angkor Wat interactive. To say the least, I had to visit Angkor Wat.

Spending five days in Siem Reap and one day exploring Angkor Wat. The tuk tuk ride from Siem Reap to Angkor what was about an hour, a great way to see the country.


Stayed at a resort in Siem Reap. There are many hotels near the airport which you can find for a reasonable price.

The markets in Siem Reap and Angkor Wat. Note: get yourself a bunch of single US$ one dollar bills. One US$ dollar is an easy bargaining tool. If I remember correctly, I was paying one US$ dollar for many items and two for scarfs, etc.

Food and Drink:
Street food, restaurants in Siem Reap, hotel food, and Angkor beer. I always drink the alcohol from the country which I visit.

Hired a tuk tuk driver for five days. "Lucky" was his name. I recommend getting one driver and letting him know your plans and schedule.

Overall Safety:
No issues. Common sense.

Safety Tip:
Normal precautions. Mind your devices and bag/pockets while out in public.

Angkor Wat / SG
Market area Angkor Wat ruins / SG
Traveling to Angkor Wat ruins / SG
Snails for sale, Siem Reap / SG
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