
Agra / SG
Delhi, Noida, and Agra, 2008

India is a must see country. The colorful attire, spicy food, and plenty of tradition. The people are friendly, the kids are curious, and everywhere you look you will find something interesting to see.

Spent 10 days in Delhi, a couple days in a middle class suburb called Noida, and one day in Agra visiting the Taj Mahal.


Hotel in Delhi.

The Taj Mahal is about an hour drive in Agra. Plenty of markets and forts, museums, monuments, and restaurants in Delhi. My favorite attraction were the people dressed in their traditional attire, very colorful.

Food and Drink:
Naan and restaurants of many different cuisines. Very much enjoyed eating with my hands rather than western utensils.

Tuk tuks, rickshaws, hired drivers, and taxis.

Overall Safety:
Felt pretty safe for the most part. As a foreigner I felt that the men and children tended to stare out of curiosity, but again it was only curiosity, I have heard this from other people who have traveled to India as well.

Safety Tip:
Common sense.

Delhi / SG
Market, Delhi / SG
Delhi / SG
Delhi / SG
Delhi / SG
Taj Mahal / SG
Noida / SG
Noida / SG
Noida / SG
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